Introducing HADES - High Altitude Dairy Environment Solutions
We are a Taranaki catchment group aiming to assist dairy farmers in meeting the challenges of high altitude/rainfall farming.
Our high-altitude group – operating above Wiremu Road (200m plus) will focus on solutions to farming challenges faced with science, people and technology.
Our current priority is finding cost effective solutions for effluent management.
HADES Catchment Group:
Farmer-led and focused.
Targeted for areas with over two metres of annual rainfall.
Aims to supply credible independent options.
Is conducting a major project to determine the best solution for effluent management under difficult conditions.
Runs informative events to discuss issues and solutions with farmers, advisors, and industry experts.
Helping to develop tools to help with consenting and compliance.
Working in association with all key players.
Strategic Focus Areas:
Dual consent for effluent discharge to stream identified, developed and implemented
Technology to assist in ‘new solutions’ investigated
Stream/Catchment health - understand the catchment water from top to bottom.
Contact Us If you have queries around effluent consents and compliance, you are not alone. We are part of the solution. Contact us if you are wanting to be notified of up-and-coming events or for more information. HADES Lead Farmers: Lloyd Morgan Please include your name, phone number, and email address. |

Our Effluent Project Is Moving Forward.
Being high altitude farmers ourselves, we understand the unique challenges you face. The high rainfall, steep contour, the fact it takes a week to dry out after rain, our different soil types and the closeness of our streams and rivers. How can we help our environment yet dispose of our effluent?
Working with our project partners we are endeavouring to find solutions.
Throughout 2023 here is how we journeyed to make a better future for you:
February - Matt Highway presented our element environment report & LIDAR flow path aerial mapping. Giving us an in-depth view and understanding of our challenges.
May - A project task force was established. This was done in teamwork with TCC, TRC, DairyNZ, AgFirst, Landpro and Fonterra.
June - Davieth Verheij presented an 'Effluent get it sorted' workshop. Detailing what an effluent engineer’s report involved, the information required and why it was needed. We’ve been building an High Altitude research projects with AgFirst and DairyNZ, that includes research into slopes, soil absorbance, Irrigation systems, reduction in water use and modern technology. Along with working with Landpro and TRC to simplify the consent process.
We’re not done yet! Join us on the 6th of December - We have our Pathway to consent workshop. Local experts and effluent system suppliers for you will be present to discuss options that make work for you. Our project lead Rachel will give an update on HADES progress. You are then free to discuss one on one with any of our exhibitors about your issues and requirements.
We don’t confess to know all the answers. Though we can guide you in the right direction.
This is your opportunity to talk through your problems and find some answers. Our information, although based on high altitude farming issues, could be useful for all areas of the Taranaki.